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Updated: Jul 4, 2021

As I embark upon my return journey with my son, away from family and into the world of co-parenting and juggling our son, I am filled with immense trepidation and apprehension. Cape Town has been a place of healing and happiness for me, but now I am faced with emotions of fear, anxiety and worry. I will have to see my ex-husband. Regularly. I won’t have the support and help of my family. I will have to navigate parenting discussions with my ex. I will be away from my best friend who has always been there for me. I will be a single woman residing in a foreign land, with no male supporting me and looking after me. I remind myself: Allah, Allah, Allah. Allah has always been with me and He will always be with me. Allah has given me joy and opportunity before and He will provide for me again. Allah has placed remarkable people in my path and He will do so again. Allah has blessed me with gifts and He will guide me in utilising them meaningfully. Allah can create anything from nothing, and I tell myself not to be self-reliant, but that I must wholeheartedly rely on Him only.

الله المستعان God is the One from whom we seek aid.

- Acrylic on canvas

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